
New book by InASA Executive member

In 2006, Dr Kiera Lindsey discovered a faded newspaper clipping describing the moment her great, great, great-aunt, Mary Ann Gill, sobbed bitterly in the witness box of Sydney’s Supreme Court. She was being forced by her furious father to give evidence against the man she hoped to marry. This tantalising clipping compelled Lindsey to rummage […]


International Symposium on Citizenship in a Transnational Perspective University of Alberta: July 6-7 2016

This symposium brings together leading scholars from Australia, Canada and New Zealand to explore citizenship in a transnational perspective though the two overarching themes of ethnicity and indignity. It will adopt a multidisciplinary approach to these themes, specifically historical, political, legal and sociological perspectives.   REGISTER ON EVENTBRITE at BIT.LY/1LDCIEK  


(Re)Examining Historical Childhoods: Literary, Cultural, Social An Australasian Society for the History of Children and Youth Symposium

December 12-13, 2016 Melbourne, Australia Deakin University     In this inaugural Australasian Society for the History of Children and Youth symposium, we are keenly interested in bringing together scholars of the history of children and childhood to consider new perspectives, new methodologies, and new cross- disciplinary frameworks that will enrich the field. We invite […]


Distinguished Australian Academics Appointed Visiting Professor in Australian Studies, University of Tokyo

Leading Australian scholars Professor David Carter and Professor Helen Gilbert have been appointed to the annual Visiting Professor in Australian Studies position at the Centre for Pacific and American Studies (CPAS), University of Tokyo, for 2016–17 and 2017–18 respectively. The University of Melbourne’s Professor Kate Darian-Smith, Chair of the Selection Committee, has commented on how “important it is that […]


Call for Papers: Australia–South Asia: Contestations and Remonstrances (University of Liège, 26-28 January 2017)

This literary and cultural studies conference, to be held at the University of Liège under the auspices of the European Association for Studies of Australia (EASA) and the local post-colonial studies centre CEREP, will seek to draw attention to the multifarious encounters which have occurred between South Asia and Australia from the nineteenth century to […]


CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS Australian Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Edited by Anne Brewster, University of New South Wales ISSN: 2297-8194 Link to Peter Lang Link to book on Peter Lang   This interdisciplinary book series showcases dynamic, innovative research on contemporary and historical Australian culture. It aims to foster interventions in established debates on Australia as well as opening up new areas of enquiry […]