
Deadline extended for the 2023 Peter Lang Emerging Scholars Competition in Indigenous Studies

Peter Lang Publishing is delighted to announce the 2023 Peter Lang Emerging Scholars Competition in Indigenous Studies. Proposals are invited from emerging scholars in Indigenous Studies for single-author books to be evaluated by a distinguished editorial board. We are particularly welcoming work on Australian Indigenous Studies for consideration in the Australian Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives book series, edited by Anne Brewster, affiliated with the […]


Winner of 2023 InASA ECR Publication Subsidy Scheme

In 2018, the International Australian Studies Association (InASA) established a publishing subsidy scheme designed to assist early career researchers working in Australian Studies. The subsidy is designed to assist early career researchers in a publishing venture, or for the inclusion of essential items such as illustrations, photographs or maps. It is administered by a sub-committee […]


Winners of 2022 John Barrett Award for Australian Studies

Background Dr John Barrett (1931-1997) established this award by way of a bequest to La Trobe University in 1987. Dr John Barrett was a lecturer and reader at La Trobe University from 1969 until his retirement in 1990. His research specialisation was 20th century Australian history, particularly national involvement in the world wars. Dr Barrett […]


*Book Prize Alert*

Entries are now open for the ACNZSN (Australian, Canadian, and Aotearoa New Zealand Studies) Donna Coates Book Prize. The prize is open to Early Career Researchers who have published their first book examining at least two countries of the focus of the network, i.e. Australia and Canada or Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand etc. The […]


2023 Peter Lang Emerging Scholars Competition in Indigenous Studies

Peter Lang Publishing is delighted to announce the 2023 Peter Lang Emerging Scholars Competition in Indigenous Studies. Proposals are invited from emerging scholars in Indigenous Studies for single-author books to be evaluated by a distinguished editorial board. We are particularly welcoming work on Australian Indigenous Studies for consideration in the Australian Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives book series, edited by Anne Brewster, affiliated with the […]


*Recent Publication Alert* Family Language Policy in the Polish Diaspora: A Focus on Australia

By Piotr Romanowski This book provides an unprecedented insight in the lives of Polish Australian immigrant families who strive to maintain their heritage language. In order to avoid the language shift, the Polish community established Saturday schools where the Polish language and culture are taught extensively. By focusing on the example of the Polish diaspora […]