CFP Publications European Association for Studies on Australia

Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia: CFP special issue

Call for Submissions: JEASA Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia

Guest-edited Issue 1 / 2018: The Tides of Distant Isles: Transnational &Transcultural Readings of Contemporary Australian Poetry

The issue, guest-edited by Dr. Matthew Hall (Deakin University, Australia), will comprise of interviews, select poems, and a series of articles on recent Australian poetry, it’s constructs, influences, means and ends. This issue will explore the underexposed, the difficult, the experimental poets of the continent and consider their work in contemplation of a ‘networked history’ of language. If, as John Mateer has argued, Australia is not an island, then this issue will address the crosscurrents, tides and voyages that link a body of land to the broader ocean. How might these currents create their own cultural products? How have changes in world literature begun to address and impact Australian poetry? How have individual writers been influenced from abroad? Is there an Australia at the heart of Australian literature? How has Australian Unsettlement used to tell alternate histories? How might Australian Indigenous poetry be read through networks of relation or through forces of global Indigeneity?

Examples of essays that might tackle broader poetry and publishing forces might include:

Prague as a distant shore: Louis Armand, VLAK and the framing of Australian poetry

SALT publishing: UK and Australian publishing and networks of difference

Diasporic poetics as a productive tension

Australian-US connections as symbiotic exchange

The history of Jacket: an antipodean state of communicative exchange

Yellowfield : Acts of Curation across the seas

But we will certainly welcome more focused poetic studies that contemplate, discuss and disseminate ideas from contemporary Australian poetry, broadly conceived, for those who call Australia home, and those whose ties remain literary.

All submitted contributions will be peer reviewed. The publication of the issue is expected in the first half of 2018.

Please submit your articles by December 31, 2017 to the JEASA’s guest editor, Matthew Hall, at and general editor Martina Horakova at Please remove your name and any indications of your authorship from the text and write your name, affiliation, and a 150-word bio in a separate document.

Submissions must follow these guidelines:

Articles should be between 5,000-8,000 words long, Times New Roman, 12 point font, single-spaced. The title should be followed by abstract and 5-6 keywords. In-text references and bibliography must follow the latest MLA style of documenting sources. Articles written by non-native speakers must be proofread by a native English speaker prior to submission. Other formats (interviews, reflections, narrative prose, etc.) are to be consulted with the guest editor. A detailed stylesheet is available at the journal’s website:

Matthew Hall, guest editor

Martina Horakova, general editor