Screening Australia:
Australian CULTURE and Screen Media in Context
Australian culture and screen media (including internet output, gaming, film, television, video and other screen arts) might be said to occupy a somewhat anomalous position on the world stage: at once successful and internationally recognised, and yet relatively under-represented and under-researched in international scholarship.
Drawing on the fields of Australian cultural studies and screen media research, this seminar series seeks a broad range of responses to these questions from an array of cognate disciplines and practices.
The Menzies Centres invites a wide range of submissions from academics, screen media professionals, postgraduates and other cultural practitioners working in the field. Please submit an abstract to be considered for the Screening Australia seminar series by Monday 9 May 2016.
Submissions should contain an abstract of 300 words accompanied by a short biographical statement, and should be sent to for the attention of Peter Kilroy.
11.00-17.00 Monday 23 May 2016
Nash Lecture Theatre
Second Floor, King’s Building
King’s College London WC2R 2LS
Each film will be followed by a Q&A with the Director.
The Menzies Centre for Australian Studies and the Department of Film Studies at King’s College London, in association with the Royal Anthropological Institute, are excited to announce a unique screening day devoted to the work of the award-winning Australian documentary filmmaker, writer and teacher, Frances Calvert. This will involve a screening of her Torres Strait Trilogy: Talking Broken (1990, 76 mins), Cracks in the Mask (1997, 56 mins) and The Tombstone Opening (2012, 29 mins). These films focus on Australia’s ‘other’ Indigenous minority, Torres Strait Islanders, as they negotiate the complex relationship between past, present and future.
The event is free, but booking is necessary via Eventbrite ( Lunch and light refreshments will be provided.