We would like to invite you to contribute to a special issue of JEASA – Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia. The issue 3.2., “Indigenous Marriage, Family and Kinship in Australia, Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Pacific” will be co-edited by Dr. Vicki Grieves (The University of Sydney) and Dr. Martina Horakova (Masaryk […]
Author: InAsa
An Australian Bicentennial Scholarship or Fellowship is a one-off award of up to £4,000 to enable UK postgraduate students or academic staff to undertake research/study in Australia for a minimum of 3 months. Also open to Australian postgraduate students/academic staff wishing to come to the UK. Applications close on 5 April 2012 For more information click here
JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC APPOINTED VISITING PROFESSOR OF AUSTRALIAN STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO The Centre for Pacific and American Studies (CPAS) at the University of Tokyo hosts an annual Visiting Professor in Australian Studies at their Komaba Campus, Tokyo. Associate Professor Justin Dabner has been appointed to the position for 2012-13, and will take up the Visiting […]
2012 InASA Biennial Conference
In 2012, InASA’s Biennial Conference will be held at Monash University, Caulfield Campus, from 5-7 December 2012. Border Breach: Australia and the Global Circulation of Ideas Keynote speakers include: Kim Scott, Miles Franklin Award winner, Associate Professor at Curtin University Adrian Franklin, Professor of Sociology, University of Tasmania Hon. Susan Ryan, AO, Discrimination Commissioner (Aging), Australian […]