In 2018, InASA established a publishing subsidy scheme designed to assist early career researchers working in Australian Studies. The subsidy is designed to assist early career researchers in a publishing venture, or for the inclusion of essential items such as illustrations, photographs or maps. It is administered by a sub-committee made up of executive members […]
Category: Grants

UNSW Canberra and the Society of Military History are offering a bursary for PhD students and ECRs to attend the conference ‘Towards a New History of the Interwar Period’, on 3 – 4 September 2019. Among those speaking will be Dr Carolyn Holbrook, Professor James Cotton, Professor Joan Beaumont and Professor Frank Bongiorno. The conference website can […]
The Australia-Japan Foundation’s Grant Program for 2012-2013, for projects commencing between 1 July 2012 and 30 June 2013, is currently open. Grant applications can be submitted up until close of business on Friday 23 March 2012 using the online application form. Applicants are asked to indicate on page 3 of their application whether there is scope […]
Australia-China Council 2012-13 Grants
The Australia-China Council 2012-2013 grant round will open on 27 February and close on 30 March, 2012. The Council invites innovative proposals relevant to the goals and objectives of the Council stated in the 2011- 2014 Strategic Plan. 2012 marks the 40th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Australia and the People’s Republic of […]
An Australian Bicentennial Scholarship or Fellowship is a one-off award of up to £4,000 to enable UK postgraduate students or academic staff to undertake research/study in Australia for a minimum of 3 months. Also open to Australian postgraduate students/academic staff wishing to come to the UK. Applications close on 5 April 2012 For more information click here