
CFP: Special edition of Coolabah

“Crime and Punishment” Few scholars of Australian history need reminding that Colonial Australia began as a prison. While the detrimental effect it had, and perhaps still has, on Indigenous Australia is unambiguous, to what extent this brutal background shaped the modern nation merits re-evaluation. In 1788 Australian society was divided into convicts versus guards, ratbags […]


New Book: Paris Savages

Fraser Island, 1882. The population of the Badtjala people is in sharp decline following a run of brutal massacres. When German scientist Louis Müller offers to sail three Badtjala people – Bonny, Jurano and Dorondera – to Europe to perform to huge crowds, the proud and headstrong Bonny agrees, hoping to bring his people’s plight […]


Call for Expressions of Interest for new editors of Journal of Australian Studies

The InASA Executive wishes to appoint a new editor or editorial team to the Journal of Australian Studies (JAS) to take over the leadership of the journal from Maggie Nolan (ACU) and Julie Kimber (Swinburne) who will be stepping down at the end of 2019. JAS is the journal of the International Australian Studies Association […]


New Book: Redefining Citizenship in Australia, Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand

Adopting a political and legal perspective, Redefining Citizenship in Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa New Zealand undertakes a transnational study that examines the demise of Britishness as a defining feature of the conceptualisation of citizenship in Australia, Canada, and Aotearoa New Zealand and the impact that this historic shift has had on Indigenous and other ethnic […]

Conferences Grants InAsa Noticeboard Scholarships

Bursary for ‘Towards a New History of the Interwar Period’

UNSW Canberra and the Society of Military History are offering a bursary for PhD students and ECRs to attend the conference ‘Towards a New History of the Interwar Period’, on 3 – 4 September 2019. Among those speaking will be Dr Carolyn Holbrook, Professor James Cotton, Professor Joan Beaumont and Professor Frank Bongiorno. The conference website can […]

Books InAsa

New Book: Stranded Nations: White Australia in an Asian Region

For well over a century Australia’s place in Asia has been at the forefront of public discussion and controversy. Stranded Nation is a searching examination of how a ‘white’ nation, harbouring deep anxieties about rising Asia, sought to convince both itself and its neighbours that it belonged within the Asian region. This is the strange […]