
New Book by Two Members of InASA Executive:

Travelling Home, ‘Walkabout Magazine’ and Mid-Twentieth- Century Australia Mitchell Rolls and Anna Johnston   ‘Travelling Home’ provides a detailed analysis of the contribution that the mid twentieth-century ‘Walkabout’ magazine made to Australia’s cultural history. ‘Walkabout’ was one of the most popular magazines in mid-twentieth century Australia, educating local and international readers about the Australian landscape, […]


American Association of Australasian Literary Studies Annual Conference 20 April – 22 April 2017 Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina

American Association of Australasian Literary Studies The American Association of Australasian Literary Studies (AAALS) invites paper proposals for its 2017 Annual Conference, to be held at Claflin University in Orangeburg, SC, 20 April – 22 April 2017. Papers addressing any aspect of Australian, New Zealand, and South Pacific literary, film, and cultural studies are welcome. […]


EASA Liège conference in January 2017

Dear INASA members,   Paula Horta and Vanessa Castejon would like to know if you would be interested in participating in a workshop they have planned at the EASA Liège conference in January 2017. They have worked previously on Ubuntu and Egohistoire and would like to ask you if you could make a 180s movie/presentation […]


“Cultures of Reading Masterclass”

  The Centre for Colonialism and its Aftermath presents   “Cultures of Reading Masterclass”   for Research Higher Degree Students with   Dr Danielle Fuller (University of Birmingham) Dr Robert Clarke (University of Tasmania) Dr Maggie Nolan (Australian Catholic University)   Wed 31 August, 2016, 10 am – 3 pm   Tasmanian College of the […]


Research opportunities in Germany: The Research Training Group Minor Cosmopolitanisms

The Research Training Group Minor Cosmopolitanisms (Graduiertenkolleg GRK 2130), funded by the German Research Council (DFG) from resources provided by the Federal Government and the Federal States of Germany, and conducted jointly by Universität Potsdam, Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, announces 1 position starting on October 1st, 2016: Academic Staff Member (Postdoctoral Researcher) Requisition No.: 119/2016 […]


Menzies Centre for Australian Studies Events: 2016-17

Screening Australia: Australian CULTURE and Screen Media in Context CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: SEMINAR SERIES Australian culture and screen media (including internet output, gaming, film, television, video and other screen arts) might be said to occupy a somewhat anomalous position on the world stage: at once successful and internationally recognised, and yet relatively under-represented and under-researched […]